In recent years, physics and electronics the world over, has made unprecedented growth in terms of new technologies, new ideas and principles. The rate of obsolescence of technologies also has been extremely high. Researchers, academicians, industries and the society at large have to work in unison to meet the challenges of the rapidly growing disciplines. The Department of Physics and Electronics was established in 1983 along with the birth of the institute with UG course in Physics discipline, UG course in electronics discipline was added in 1998. PG in electronics was introduced in 2003 in the department. PG in Physics with specialization in Electronics has been introduced recently in 2020. The department has well equipped laboratories for both physics and electronics students with latest tools, inventories, apparatus and instruments, which cater to the needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate students.
PhyNics is the name of our departmental forum/association. It is the fusion of PHYsics and electroNICS. The aim of the forum is to bring scientific thinking and temperament to the students. Our aim is to develop their scientific approach and motivate them to apply their knowledge in practical life. It helps to remove their fear and to adopt new theories.
Find Us
Year of Establishment
Under Graduate (Physics) -1983
Under Graduate (Electronics) -1998
Post Graduate(Physics) -2020
Post Graduate(Electronics) -2003
Programmes Offered
BSc (Physics)
BSc (Electronics)
MSc (Physics)
MSc (Electronics)
Certificate Program
IIRS-ISRO E-CLASS Distance Learning Programme
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