ICT Facilities
St. Thomas College aims at productive use of ICT as powerful tool for teaching and learning, to facilitate administrative management and enhance communication for the benefit of the whole College community. St Thomas College continually develops its potential to integrate the use of ICT for effective and stimulating curriculum delivery which acknowledges different learning styles and individual potential thus encouraging distributed and self paced learning. The College invigorates staff and students to develop lifelong learning skills and to explore the capability of ICT to meet current and future challenges in an increasingly inter-connected world. With the increase in strength of students and frequent changes in the curriculum, the college regularly upgrades the ICT facilities to keep abreast of technology trends and changes.
The college has the following resources that are well utilised to make teaching-learning meaningful.
Website: WordPress website with Cloud Hosting (2 GB Digital Ocean Server).
ICT Manager (on site): Maintains the network and provides essential support to teachers in the classroom
Web Master: Website has a webmaster responsible for updating it on a daily basis
Biometric Machine: Real Soft T-304F Face and Finger Biometric system to monitor the movement of the staff.
Computerized Library: (Intel Core2Duo 2 gb RAM PC) with browsing centre giving access to e-learning material.
Computer and Language Lab: Well-furnished with a server and 41 systems with high configuration and LAN connection, headphones, LCD projector and Internet and Wi-Fi Connected.
……Number of branded computers with latest configuration.
Administrative Block and all Departments are equipped with ICT facilities.
Laptops, Printers, Scanners of latest configuration are available.
Audio-visual equipments like- projectors, screens, television, CDs and DVDs, microphones (Collar and wireless), speakers, amplifier, mixer, camera and video camera.
Licensed Software: The institution uses predominantly Windows 7 and 10, MS office 2010 and Tally 9, Photoshop, Oracle 10G, Visual Basic 6.0.
Fully ICT enabled Conference and seminar hall
Stand alone facility
LAN Facility : Wired Network.
WiFi Facility : 2.4 / 5 Ghz Wifi Facility
Internet facility : 30 MBPS Leased Line, 100 MBPS Fibre Broadband with Fortinet 60A Firewall.
2 Data cards (Tata Photon) are provided for off campus internet connectivity.
All labs are inter connected using latest D-Link CAT 6 wires, and latest switches,
high speed 30 MBPS Internet leased line connection.
CCTV: College library and all key points are under CCTV surveillance. Online monitoring of campus is also supported through static IP addresses.
Bulk SMS Service
Email ID of the college: stthomascollege_bhilai@rediffmail.com
Every department has its own e-mail id for departmental purposes and research.
All the clubs/committee have dedicated e-mail id .