First year students will have to submit assignment on or before 25th July, 2020
Students of St. Thomas College, Ruabandha Bhilai studying in B.A., B. Com. , B. Sc. And B.C.A. first year have to submit the assignments of all their elected subjects compulsorily by 25th July, 2020. Principal of the college, Dr. M.G. Roymon informed that due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and as per the instructions of Higher Education Department and Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya Durg, students will have to complete and submit assignments of all subjects elected by them instead of Annual Examination. For this purpose students can access question papers (assignment) of all subjects by visiting the college website: In this website students will have to open the page of Academics and can download assignments from the available link. Students are directed to send the assignments of all the subjects to the respective Head of the departments in emails or whatsapp positively by 25th July, 2020. Students should mention their name, subject, class and roll number on the assignment sheets. For EVS Assignment, Students of B.Sc (Maths) & BCA should be sent to Dept. of Maths & CS ID, B.Sc (Bio) to Dept. of Zoology, B.Com to Dept. of Commerce and B.A to Dept. of Psychology accordingly. In case any student is unable to submit their assignment online, they can also send the hard copy in sealed envelope by mentioning their name, subject, class and roll number on the envelope and send to office of St. Thomas College. It is important to note that it is compulsory for all the students studying in the college to submit the assignment in any of the medium mentioned above. Students will be responsible for non-submission of assignments. Results of students will be based on the assignments submitted by them in the respective subjects. In case of not submission of assignments, their results will be affected. Along with this students must convey this entire message to all other students in their contacts.