Group Theory – Association of Chemical and Environmental Sciences
Inauguration of Association of Chemical and Environmental Sciences and guest lecture was organized by the department of Chemistry on 15.09.23, Friday. Welcome speech was delivered by Dr. Chanda Verma, Program coordinator. The chief guest of the program was introduced by Dr. James Mathew, Principal Incharge. The Resource person, Dr. Naresh Chandra Deshmukh, Head, Department of Chemistry Kalyan P.G. College, Bhilai inaugurated the Programme. The Resource person delivered a lecture on“GROUP THEORY” by taking many examples and new ideas. New officials of ACES were nominated. M.Chaitaniya was nominated for President, Paridhi Yadav as Vice –President, Riya Dutta Sharma nominated as Secretary and Surbhi Bhendia, Joint Secretary. Morethan 58Students were benefitted by the lecture. Lecture was completed by an effective question answer session. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Arvind Kumar Sahu, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.