International Webinar On Information And Communications Technology (ICT) during Covid-19
The P G department of Mathematics & Computer Science of St. Thomas College organized an International webinar on “Information And Communications Technology (ICT) during Covid-19” on 9th of July, 2020. The Principal of the college, Dr. M G Roymon Address the gathering and the administrator of the college .Very Rev Father George Mathew Ramban was the Chief guests of the webinar which is being conducted online due to covid pandemic and also expressed that the topic is very relevant to the current scenario of pandemic. He also highlighted the facilities available at St. Thomas College and also the awards and accolades obtained.
The topics of the webinar “Information And Communications Technology (ICT). In Higher Education During Covid-19” was discussed by four Resource persons . Prof (Dr) Reny George, Professor, Department of Mathematics College of Science, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia “shared his expert knowledge about Responsibilities, Opportunities and Challenges..”Prof (Dr) O. P. Vyas, Department of Information Technology ,Coordinator (Business Informatics),Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad discussed about “ Internationalization of Higher Education in Post Pandemic Situation.Prof (Dr) B.D.Tharakan, Principal, M.G.M School, Bhilai Focused on Opportunity to Transcend the Educational System in Indian Context.Dr.Devendra Chaphekar ,Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science Seth Phool Chand AgrawalSmriti ,Mahavidhyala Navapara, Rajim,C.G stressed on Technology Driven Education using ICT.The webinar was appreciated by the world wide viewers with YouTube having 650 views .
The entire programme was coordinated by Dr.Suja Varghese, Convener of the Webinar, and Head of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science ,the programme was hosted by Mrs.Smita Suresh Daniel ,technical committees were Ms K.Manju,Mr. Santosh Kumar Miri , Ms Neelam Pandey and Mr. Pratik Kumar Sharma and vote of thanks given by Ms Preeti Jain .