St. Thomas Mission located at Kailash Nagar Bhilai has been a household name in the region for decades due to relentless humanitarian works of the great visionary Late Lamented Bishop Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius. In life he has inspired many a personalities and still continues to do so through fruits of his labor. To encourage and acknowledge prominent works in the field of social service, education and human rights Mar Theodosius Memorial Award is conferred by the Diocese of Calcutta and St. Thomas Mission on the occasion of the late Bishop’s Memorial Feast on 5th November. This year Mar Theodosius Award would be conferred to His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma III, the supreme head of Indian Orthodox Church.
His Holiness has been serving the downtrodden of the society in the past decades through a number of projects. The following initiatives are has been taking care of thousands of needy persons:
Pratheeksha Bhavan – Home mentally and physically challenged, has been caring for the needy people since 1996.
Prashanthi Bhavan (Home of Comfort) – is designed to provide comfort to terminally ill patients who have no place to go.
Prathyasha Bhavan – (Home of Hope) – institution takes care of mentally challenged and physically disabled boys.
Pradanam Centre – Centre for free medical aid to poor patients.
Pramodam Project – Distributing food every day to the poor Patients in the government hospitals and near to the premises of Kanadanad.
Prasannam Centre –this project is intended to take care of the destitute mental patients for life. Prakasham Institute of special education – This institute is intended to give training to the teachers for the training of mentally retarded children.
Prepalanam – A project for providing pension to unorganized urban.Now 110 persons availing this facility.
Prebhatham computer Centre – giving free computer education to poor student irrespective of caste and creed.
Presadham – Home for AIDS and Cancer patients.
Prathibha Bhavan – The project aims at giving training to the unemployed youths for self-employment through various small scale industries.

The 15th Remembrance Day of the late Bishop would be celebrated along with the Golden Jubilee Anniversary of St. Thomas Mission on 4thand 5th November, 2022. The award would be presented during the Golden Jubilee Ceremony of St. Thomas Mission Bhilai, at 7:45pm on 4 November, 2022.
Honourable minister Shri Muhammed Akbar ,Shri Devendra Yadav MLA, H. G. Dr. Victor Henry Thakur, Archbishop of Raipur, His Grace Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius Metropolitan , His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius Metropolitan and the office bearers of the Mission and Calcutta Diocese would be present in the Jubilee meeting.