STC /Notice /2016/205 date 16.11.2016
The Committee for Promotion of Research Activities (COPRA) of our college is organizing a workshop on “ Research Methodology , Statistics and SPSS “ from 22 to 28th November 2016.
The registration date is exended upto 22nd November 2016 . The registration fee is Rs 1500/-.
STC/Notice/ 2016/170E Date: 19.10.2016
The college is planning to bring a multi-disciplinary ISSN Journal from this year onwards. In this regard, in order to comply with the norms of ISSN, it is essential to have unpublished good quality research paper almost in all disciplines and to submit the same to the appropriate authorities.
You are hereby invited to submit the soft copy of unpublished research work/manuscript/review/paper pertaining to the areas of Commerce, Economics, Psychology, Management, I.T., Computer, Education, Law, chemistry, Botany, Physics, Micro-biology, Biotechnology, Hindi, Mathematics, Journalism & Mass communication, Zoology and emerging paradigms in the allied subjects. in M.S. Word (Times New Roman, Font size-12) format at our email address.
All Heads of Department are hereby informed to submit at least one original good quality research paper from their department on or before 22nd October, 2016. In addition to this authors are also requested to submit plagiarism report of their research work/manuscript/review/paper to the committee.
Academically yours
Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra
COPRA (Committee for Promotion of Research Activities)
STC/Notice/2016/138 Dated: 22.09.2016
All the First year BJMC students are informed to collect the Enrolment form from account section (Counter No.2) by paying Rs.15/- and submit the duly filled Enrolment form in the college office on or before 30.09.2016. The students will be responsible if they would not submit it in time.
Documents required for submission are:
- Mark Sheet copies 10th and 12th
- Migration Certificate (original)
- Gap certificate (if required)
- Eligibility (if required)
- Enrolment fees – 150/-
- Migration fees – 250/-
STC/Notice/2016/137 Date: 21.09.2016
All students are informed that STAP class for aspiring, weak and supplementary students are going in the class/Department. Students are instructed to take maximum benefit out of this scheme.
For first shift students the timing of the STAP schedule is during the class hours from 8.00 am to 12.30 p.m and for second shifts students timing is from 11.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m.
STC/Notice/ 2016/132 Date: 17.09.2016
This is to inform all the Head of Department to display STAP Schedule in the respective Department Notice Board. This innovative scheme is to enable the brilliant as well as the weak students to score maximum marks in the examination.
It has come to the notice of undersigned that during the STAP class students are not found in the Class/Department. All faculty members are instructed to indentify the aspiring, weak and supplementary students and to motivate them to take benefit out of this scheme. For first shift students the timing of the STAP schedule is during the class hours from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and for second shift students timing is from 11:00 am to 12:30.
St. Thomas College, Bhilai
All the students of B.Com-I, B.Sc-I, B.A–I, B.C.A-I and B.B.A-I, B.Ed and P.G(New)are informed to fill in the online enrolment form from the by 05.10.2016 and submit the hard copy of the same in the college office on or before 10.10.2016.
ID and Password should not be changed once entered for enrolment.
Students are also informed that while filling the form no mistake should be made. Students who have taken admission in II and III year and are from other universities are informed to fill the Enrolment form Offline which can be obtained from college office by paying Rs. 100/- and duly filled form should be submitted in the college office by 10.10.2016.
For further details students can visit the notice board/ or Durg Vishwavidyalaya website.
STC/Notice/2016/131 Date: 16.09.2016
The Indian Institute of Public Administration, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh regional branch is organising an essay competition on “Local Bodies and Development-Opportunities and Challenges”.
Winners will be given cash prize and all participants will be awarded certificate of participant. Completed essay should be send to the following address before 20th November 2016.
Indian Institute of Public Administration
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Regional Branch
Room No: 3, Administration Academy
1100 Quarters,
For more details contact:
Dr. Jayashree Balasubramanian, Dept. of Zoology
Or go through the Notice Board.
STC/Notice/2016/133 Date: 17.09.2016
Students who are interest to join the Eco club are requested to give their names to following faculties.
Ist shift
- Jayasree Balasubramanian (Dept of Zoology)
- Jyoti Bakshi (Dept. of Botany)
- Shubha Thakur (Dept. of Microbiology )
- Preeti Jain (Dept of Computer Science)
IInd Shift
1.Sheeja Thomas (B.Ed)
2.Aparna Das (Dept. of Economics)
3. Sunita Kshatriya (Dept. of Commerce)