Online Enrollment Form available from the university website
STC/Notice/2019/116 Dated: 20.09.2019
All the U.G (B.Com-I, B.Sc-I, B.A –I, and B.C.A-I), B.B.A-I, B.Ed-I & all P.G -I semester (M.Com, M.Sc, M.A) and Newly admitted students of U.G. II year & III year (from other university / private to regular) are informed to fill the online Enrolment Form available from the university website and submit the hard copy along with the following attachments in the college office on or before 01.10.2019.
Link for online Enrolment form : Quick Links
Students are also informed that while filling the form no mistake should be made. For further details students can visit the college Notice Board / Durg Vishwavidyalaya website.
Last date for filling of online enrolment form is 30.09.2019.
Payment Mode : ATM Card / Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking
Documents required for submission are:
- Hard copy of Enrolment Form
- Mark Sheet copies 10th and 12th
- Migration Certificate (original)
- Gap certificate (original if required)
- Eligibility (original if required)
- Enrolment fees – 150/-
- Immigration fees – 360/- (from other university out of Chhattisgarh) (if required)
- Any changes in Name / Surname – Rs. 180/- (if required)